2019 HR Professional of the Year Award
2019 HR Professional of the Year Award
SHRM NM Human Resource Professional of the Year candidates will be evaluated on their demonstrated Integrity, Leadership, Innovation, Strategic Thinking, Character, Objectivity, Passion, Influence, and Knowledge in Human Resources. The goal is to spotlight a Human Resources professional in New Mexico who elevates the profession, who serves as a role model for his or her peers, and sets the standard for other HR professionals to follow. We would like to tell his/her story and to recognize his/her contributions and achievements. The only requirement is the recipient must be a current practitioner of Human Resources in NM for an organization(s) serving employees working in NM.
The award winner will be announced on Tuesday, April 2, 2019 during our SHRM NM 2019 Legislative Conference . The winner will receive the following:
- A commemorative trophy
- Presentation of the award at the conference, as well as at the winner’s workplace, and at the winner’s local SHRM chapter meeting. (Event registration/SHRM membership/HR certification not required to win.)
- Recognition on the SHRM NM website, and possibly other media.
- Complimentary registration to the 2020 SHRM NM Conference (current value up to $500; not transferable)
To nominate someone, you need only fill out the Nomination Form and follow the directions on the form to submit it. Nominations will be accepted until Monday, February 18, 2019. SHRM NM will notify your nominee that they have been nominated by you. (You may choose below to remain anonymous.) SHRM NM will ask nominees to provide information about themselves to be submitted to our panel of judges, which will be due by Thursday, February 28, 2019, in order to be considered for the award.