About Us
Welcome to the Four Corners Human Resources Association
Four Corners Human Resource Association (FCHRA) is an organization for professionals engaged in human resource administration. The strength of FCHRA lies in the quality of its membership, and in having all members realize the benefits of, and actively participate in, the growth of the association.
We invite you to join us for any of our monthly programs or annual seminar. The luncheon meetings and annual seminar feature leading experts in the HR field or related HR matters. We endeavor to offer SHRM PDC's for our certified HR professionals.
Luncheon meetings: Will be announced soon!
Meeting location: Will be announced soon!
To verify location, program topic, and speaker information contact:
Brandon Martinez, Chapter President
Our Mission
Dedicated to improving human resource management systems and practices through the professional development of our members.
2025 Board Members
Chapter President | Brandon Martinez |
President-Elect | Jessica Lazenby |
Treasurer | Rebecca Phelps |
Secretary | Veronica Marquez |
Membership Director | Jennifer McCoy |
Professional Development Director | Vacant |
Certification Director | Tim Conyers |
Social Media Director | Mandy Utley |
Diversity & Workforce Readiness Director | Vacant |
Community Relations Director | Hazel Jackson |
Legislative Director | Mary Gordy |
SHRM Foundation Director | Stacie James |
College Relations Director | Mark Norwood |
Seminar Chair | Vacant |
Past President | Tim Conyers |
Our History
The group began as the "Four Corners HR Group," when four HR professionals met for lunch one afternoon in 1986 at KB Dillons. The first "membership roster" typed on an IBM Selectric typewriter on April 8, 1987, included:
Mary Ancell (Gordy), Southern Union
Dan Dible, City of Farmington
Fergie Olgren, El Paso
Dan Patterson, Farmington Municipal Schools
James Ray, PNM
Cricket Sisson, First Interstate Bank
Lynn Thompson, Utah International
Mike Voita, APS
Colleen Walker, San Juan College
Jim Walker, Meridian Oil
Gail Williams, Bloomfield Refining
The early meetings were conducted as roundtable discussions on a pre-determined topic. For example, the topic of the April 1987 discussion was the treatment of alcoholism and whether it was considered a sickness under benefit plans in place at the time.
In 1994, Mark Christensen, SHRM Area VI Manager, and Mary Rutland, SPHR from HRMA, met with committee members Dan Lott, SPHR, Christine Carson, PHR, June Markle, Gail Williams, and Charlene Scott, PHR, to research the possibilities of becoming a formal SHRM chapter.
The group became a formally chartered SHRM Chapter on January 24, 1996.